Ecommerce Shipping: Strategies, Solutions & Best Practices

As a viable solution to your business’s orders, eCommerce fulfillment services can provide a wide array of services as a fast, reliable, and cost-effective method for the transportation of goods ordered online. The past 12 months have seen the largest ever increase in demand for online retail, in some cases as much as 40%, and somebody has to meet those order requirements.

Shipping to a large number of customers inside a single nation can be difficult, expensive, and a logistical nightmare if you aren’t aware of the requirements of some specific items, but there are things you can consider when developing an eCommerce delivery plan.

Such procedures include:

  • Strategies
  • Solutions
  • Best Practices

A good shipping strategy should encompass all areas needed for delivery, and it is usually wise to work with a shipping partner while there is a wide range of solutions that an eCommerce fulfillment plan can offer your customers, and there are some industry-specific best practices that will benefit your business.

Not a One Size Fits All Approach

There are many shipping strategies that can be considered, and depending on your business type and its requirements of it, using one or many could be of benefit since there are multiple factor that affects the cost of shipping, such as the size and weight of an item, picking, and packing.

Then there is the shipping itself which requires labelling, physical moving of goods, and cost association. All of this need to be factored into your total cost and is determined by the margins of your business. Depending on how you want your margins to be affected, you might need to consider one or a mixture of approaches.

Real-time shipping rates can be implemented and applied to the customer’s order depending on the current price of shipping charged by your chosen delivery service. Of course, a flat shipping fee can be charged, but it can be tedious to process if you offer a wide range of different size and weight objects; it wouldn’t be fair to charge $10 to ship a football, for example.

Some online retailers are able to offer free shipping, but this should only be considered in situations where the cost of shipping can be offset, as is the case with recurring or subscription-based services. However, using a third-party eCommerce fulfillment service such as Prestige Logistics is fast becoming the best option for eCommerce businesses.

Multiple Solutions to One Problem

Because of their ability to incorporate all of the necessary steps from an order, outsourced eCommerce fulfillment companies are the best solution for any online enterprise. They should be considered for any business that requires more than five packages per day to be shipped.

Each package must be individually picked, packed, labelled, checked, loaded, and delivered, which isn’t feasible for an individual or an organization. Ecommerce platforms such as WooCommerce can be integrated into a physical infrastructure where the shipping provider is familiar with the process so they can process orders or returns efficiently.

There are many organizations that can help with shipping a product. Still, not all of them deploy comprehensive solutions that ensure quality control of all aspects of your order, such as warehousing, security, order processing, and delivery.

Ecommerce shipping solution companies such as Prestige Logistics can handle all the logistical steps required in processing orders from the administration, picking and packing, and any special requirements such as white glove handling or even security for valuable items before delivery to a recipient’s doorstep, usually within 24 hours.

Maintain High Standards

There are multiple standards and practices that you should try to implement when considering a shipping solution. While none of them are required by law, some best practices include transparency, appropriate packing, delivery status, and addressing issues.

As part of an open strategy, you should always be upfront about shipping costs to your costumes by applying charges and informing them thereof or factoring a shipping cost into the total price of a transaction. Informing clients of exactly where their product is in the logistical timeline should also be considered. People like to know the status of their online orders, such as whether it is at a depot, have been dispatched, or are en route, while also dealing with returns.

Packing an order properly is also a skill that should be learned if you are to send out packages. Many products are prone to breakage or ruin, such as delicate items like vases or expensive and fashionable clothing that requires special storage and transportation. Items like these need to be packaged in the correct manner and could be damaged to the point of being unusable while in transit. Working with the fashion industry means that Prestige Logistics and others like it can safely, securely, and confidently manage any garment shipment that needs to be sent to customers or exhibitions and are highly trained. Skilled employees can manage any special requests for delicate or fragile items where security or handling is concerned.